DIY Pest Control Expert
Selecron 500EC | Profenofos - 1 liter
Selecron 500EC | Profenofos - 1 liter
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SELECRON 500EC is an emulsifiable concentrate insecticide containing 500 grams profenos per liter. It is a broad spectrum foliar insecticide with contact stomach poison activity against sucking mining and chewing pests. It excellent translaminar action provides effective control of stemborer and / or mining pests and it is not washed off easily by heavy rainfall occurring within few hour after application. It is also has good action against spider mites.
DIRECTION FOR USE: Selecron 500EC is generally recommended at the rate of 1.0-1.5 liter of formulated products per hectare. Monitor the incidence of pests and begin spraying when the need arises. Repeat every 10-15 days or as necessary to maintain control. For mango, apply at 21 to 35 days after flower induction (DAFI), when thrip infestation reaches 10% and repeat when necessary. Do not apply during full bloom stage.
PRE-HARVEST INTERVAL: Do not apply at less than 7 days before harvest.
RE-ENTRY: Do not enter treated fields for at least 1 day after application.
STORAGE AND DISPOSAL: Store product in closed, original containers away from sun and dry in a well-ventilated area apart from food feedstruff, fertilizers and herbicides under lock and dry spillage occurs, cover up spilled product with absorptive materials such as sand, soil and clothes contaminated materials in an incinerator or landfill approved for chemical. Triple rinse container and add rinse solution to spray tank. Puncture or crash bottle and bury in a safe place away from water resources.
WARNING: This product is harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin.
PRECAUTIONS: Wear overalls or long-sleeved shirt and long trousers, gloves and face / eye protection when mixing; wear overalls or long sleeved shirt and long trouser, and solid footwear when spraying. Avoid breathing in spray mist and avoid accidental skin contact. Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling the product. Immediately wash off accidental splashes of the product or spray mixture. Wash protective / working clothes separately.
SYMPTOMS OF POISONING: Cholinergic over excitation due to inhalation of cholinesterase activity, excessive sweating, weeping eyes, salivation, headache, giddiness, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, chest tightness and discomfort, pinpoint pupils.